From Fiction to Reality...

Have you ever watch Iron Man before?? How about Mission Impossible? Did you noticed about how their glasses functioning? Amazing isn't it? But still it is a fiction created in a film. Back to the reality, now such glasses has exist! Yes it is! Now, people are not wearing glasses just to fix their eye-sighted problems, instead to manage their live though. Thanks to the invention of Google Team who work very hard to make this device come the reality. For those who so-called "Gadget  Freak" might see this device as "Made from Heaven", however for the others might take it as a threat of their privacy life. Whatever it is, it still depends on how we use such technology in improving our live, beside all the cost of using it. It cannot be denied that, nowadays, every single electronic devices are becoming smarter, the question is how smart are we in using the technology? You do the maths.....

Click the link below for further information.

1. BBC
3. Forbes

Courtesy of Youtube

Courtesy of Google

Courtesy of Google

Courtesy of Google