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How Smart Bracelet Sounds to You?

Bracelet or widely known as bangle is one of the must-have item for fashionista. Bracelet can enhance the image of a person who wear it. For certain clothing, wearing a bracelet is a must in order to visualize the overall idea of the design. Wearing a bracelet also will...

Storm Predictors, Can We?

Tornado is one of the natural disaster that brings catastrophic losses towards the area that being hit. Country like America frequently hit by this disaster. when being hit, lots of live and things being damaged as due to the event.houses will be wipe out, the breed and almost everything...

From Fiction to Reality...

Have you ever watch Iron Man before?? How about Mission Impossible? Did you noticed about how their glasses functioning? Amazing isn't it? But still it is a fiction created in a film. Back to the reality, now such glasses has exist! Yes it is! Now, people are not wearing...

Eye-Controlled Smartphone

greetings to all readers, Have you ever wonder that our eye actually can control the devices? I bet you will be like "huh?" right? Thanks to our fast pace technology advancement, this can be realise now. Today, our eye gaze will allow us to control our smartphone. Yes, it...

Good news for Gamers!

The industry of console games is on the fast pace, from day to day there will be a lot of advancement released. This 2013, the home video gamers will stunned with the launch of new era home video game console name "Ouya". This console were announced to run on...